The Great Benefits of basil seed

1. Origin of é seeds 

é (é seed), is a type of seed obtained from the white-flowered basil tree, also known as the é seed tree, or the basil plant. Scientific name (two-part nomenclature: Occimum gratissimum), belongs to the family Lamiaceae. The outside is black, similar to sesame seeds. People often bring to soak, mixed with water to cool down.

2. Uses of é seeds

Although the size of the é tree is small, it is “martial”, the benefits it brings to health are very large, it is impossible to count them all. Therefore, many people use it as a food supplement, promote health, prevent many potential risks of disease. Here are some notable effects such as:

Glycemic stability

Like some other herbs such as methi seeds or green black beans, it prevents blood sugar levels from rising suddenly when your blood sugar levels rise when you eat.

Studies show that they have a number of carbohydrates that help limit the absorption of carbohydrates in the digestive system. Using é seeds every day improves your health and prevents many heart-related diseases.

Provides a lot of fiber

In the seeds of é trees contains a large amount of fiber, which helps the body get the necessary fiber, prevents many diseases. It also reduces the amount of cholesterol in the intestinal tract, which improves the digestive system and some other organs.

Cure urinary tract diseases

One of the outstanding effects of basil seeds is to help cure urinary tract diseases very effectively and safely. You just need to add it to water, combine with honey, drink it every day can help to treat some gonorrhea or bladder infections very well, This has been verified by medical experts.

The effect of é seeds to beautify the skin

é seeds are a food that many women use because it is very good for the skin, has the effect of preventing premature aging. In Oriental medicine, the herb is welded, helps moisturize the skin, makes the skin smooth, prevents dryness, wrinkles.

Therefore, women who drink é seed water regularly are a very good way to improve their skin. Besides, combining more outer five-flower seeds has anti-inflammatory, acne-preventing effects, helping you have clean skin from the outside, healthy from the inside.

Strengthens resistance and protects cell membranes

Maybe you don’t know? é has the effect of strengthening resistance and the immune system is very good to help prevent common diseases such as cough, fever, runny nose. Some studies show that the nutrients inside the seed have the ability to support resistance, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory,…

Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and reduction of blood fat

If you have some digestive problems, then a great method to improve this condition is to drink basil seed juice every day. Because it has the ability to help improve the digestive system very well and is safe for the intestinal tract.

In addition, it also helps reduce stomach spasms, giving full play to the treatment of constipation, indigestion, flatulence, improving and promoting the laxative properties of the intestinal tract.

Helps detoxify and clear heat

This is one of their outstanding effects. In Oriental medicine, é seeds have welding properties. Commonly used to treat a number of diseases such as dry cough, burning throat, throat swelling, coughing up blood, urinary tract infection, toothache. When drinking basil seed water, it helps to purify the body, helps to lighten the excessive activity of the liver and kidneys, and quickly quenches thirst.

Helps to lose weight effectively

Not only has the effect of beautifying the skin, but the seeds also help to lose weight safely and effectively. In the seeds of basil contains a lot of fiber, when you drink it, you will feel full quickly, limiting appetite. From there, slow down the absorption of sugar in the body, helping to lose weight and keep it off for a long time. Use basil seed juice regularly to lose weight and improve your best physique!

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